15 Of The Most Shocking TV Cliffhangers of All Time

Breaking Bad - Season 5: “W.W.”

SDCC - Breaking Bad Panel - Pic 13. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons @Chris Sully

This big twist came mid-way through the show’s fifth season, though it was a full year before the next batch of episodes aired, so fans were left to ponder the shocking ending for months. Near the end of the episode, we see DEA agent Hank and his wife Marie at Walt and Skyler’s house for lunch, which was perfectly ordinary until Hank made that fateful trip to the bathroom. There, he finds Walt’s copy of Walt Whitman’s book Leaves of the Grass and inside it a dedication from Gale Boetticher. Hank suddenly recalls a previous conversation with Walt where he had jokingly admitted to being the W.W. in Gale’s notes. Quickly, Hank finally realizes that the dangerous criminal drug lord he has been chasing for years is his very own brother-in-law.

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