Souvenirs Collected By German Tourists In 1930s Were Used To Plan The Invasion Of Britain By Nazis
Abdul Waha
In this day and age, the ability to map trips out is child's play. Technology is so advanced that one might not take you to be a tourist. For a spy or invading army, services like this would be invaluable. Adolf Hitler had meticulously detailed maps created for the invasion of Britain. Unless he had a time machine, how did he assemble an invasion blueprint that looked like it was from Google Maps?
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Joachim von Ribbentrop und Ion Antonescu
Reichsaußenminister von Ribbentrop begrüßt Marschall. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons @P. S. Burton
In 1936, Joachim Von Ribbentrop became Germany's ambassador to England. One of his favorite pastimes was collecting postcards and calendars and sending them back to Hitler. They became the heart of Operation Sealion.