10 Really Bizarre And Peculiar Things Found in the Jungle

Costa Rica’s Stone Spheres

Stone spheres of Costa Rica. Reventazon river view. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons @Rodtico21

Dotted all across the Disquis Delta landscape of Costa Rica are nearly perfect stone balls. In an effort to cultivate new farmlands in the wake of failed plantations, the United Fruit Company began to uncover the spheres. As they slashed and burned away the forests, these stone spheres would remain, some as large as two meters diameter in size. Out of frustration more than curiosity, the workmen and farmers would resort to exploding the spheres with dynamite in order to remove them. They are now considered historical artifacts and many of these rashly removed spheres have been reassembled. The mystery of their making still remains. The ancient Costa Ricans left behind great works of sculpture and jewelry, but how they managed to move these spheres over fifty kilometers to their destination leaves one puzzled and asking for just one more discovery.

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