11 Of The Most Bizarre Animal Mating Behaviours In The World

Sperm-Releasing Arm


The sex rituals of male octopuses have stunned scientists because they differ from those of other cephalopods. Other breeds of octopus also usea uniquearm to fertilize female eggs. Female octopuses can safely store male sperm packets inside of their bodies until they are ready to lay eggs. The reproductive organ in a female octopus is inside her body, but a male octopus inserts his mating arm into the female from a distance. Because most female octopuses are cannibals, having sex from a distance is ideal for the male because it gives him a chance to escape and avoid being eaten he's done the deed. In addition to their larger size, female octopuses are typically hungrier than male octopuses. Therefore, there is always a risk that rather than reproducing, they will strangle their partner to death and eat him instead.

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