11 Of The Most Bizarre Animal Mating Behaviours In The World
Mating Balls

Garter snakes, also known as Thamnophis sirtalis, are not dangerous to humans even though they have a mild, necrotic venom. They typically reach sexual maturity at the age of two years and exhibit an odd mating habit. Every spring, male snakes assemble inside caves to create what scientists call a mating ball. When a female garter snake comes out of hibernation, all the male snakes gather around to woo her. Every male snake has his own trick to copulate with the female successfully; some discharge a female pheromone to deceive and distract other males them from mating with the real female garter snake. To reproduce, a male garter snake needs to court the female by maintaining as much contact with her as possible and warding off other males to get the deed done.