Leadership Quotes that Will Motivate You to Make Your Dreams Come True

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader, speaking at BYU's Alternate Commencement. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You should always be training others to act as your replacement. This can only help you, even if you aren’t planning on leaving your position. Not only will others begin to understand the stresses of your job, but it will take less time and effort to explain your actions and decisions.

You may be able to effectively reduce your work load when you train another person to anticipate the needs of you and your company. There will be fewer proverbialfires for you to extinguish, because your team will be better prepared to cope withissues, using what they have learned from you to solve them with less guidance.

This will cause a trickle-down effect, as the people in whom you invest time will later invest their knowledge in others, effectively building an entire team of valuable leaders.

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