Leadership Quotes that Will Motivate You to Make Your Dreams Come True
“He who does nothing renders himself incapable of doing any thing; but while we are executing any work, we are preparing and qualifying ourselves to undertake another.” William Hazlitt

Reaching any goal is the result of taking baby steps towards it. Purposely planning just one small task to tackle each day can bring your goal closer to reality, and will result in your ability to look back on how far you have come with amazement at your progress.
It is important to take humble steps in a proper order(Step A, B, C, and D), rather than makinga huge leap (going from Step A to Step D). A wide jump may set you up for failure or more work than you anticipated, causing you to burn out quickly and lose sight of your ultimate goal.
A productive process for establishing your order of tasks is to view your goal and brainstorm backwards on what it will take to reach it.